For some reason I'm baffled by the fabrication of these sheet metal gap covers to fit below and around the leading edge of the horizontal stab. Page 12-08 doesn't give an illustration that is very easy for me to read or understand. (I don't think it matters, but I'm building a taildragger.) I can't really determine the final shape we're going for from the instructions and illustration in the plans. The pieces obviously need to close the gap and clear the elevator horn tubes, but how?

A call to support got me their suggestion to visit Carl & Rafael's RV-14 website for a good illustration. Great website and beautiful pic's, but I sure can't find any reference to the parts in question.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a link to a picture or some better detail for fabrication of these thin sheet metal pieces? I just can't picture the desired final shape.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Thanks Tom, but from the pic it appears you're talking about the fiberglass fairing that will later fit on the topside gap between the H/S and the fuselage.
I'm not there yet.
The gap seals referred to in Chap 12 are delivered as flat sheets of thin gauge aluminum that the plans say to bend a bit to fit on the lower side of the fuselage under the H/S. It appears they will be screwed into the nutplates that were installed in the fuse skins under each H/S.

The bending of these metal gap seals is what's got me confused.
OK Tom, sorry, my mistake. Now I see the aft end of the gap cover in your photo--exactly as you said.
I think that will help me get my head around it tomorrow when I go back to the hangar and dry fit the parts again. I'll lay it all up with the fairing too and I should be able to see how all the pieces need to line up.
Thanks again for the help and the photo.
On second thought (more precisely on second read of the plans) I guess I won't be dry fitting all 3 parts tomorrow as I see the top fairing won't be here until I get my Finish Kit.
Sounds like I may give the gap covers a little bit of a try and then set them aside and wait until the finish kit to make the final fitting and adjustments since the later F-01496 glass fairing is a closely related install.
Thanks again.

You have lots of time on that part. I did not address that part till final assembly. Stop down or I can fly up some time when you have list of things to resolve / look at and I can point them out. I am out of town for the next week or so and will be back at least by September 1.
Thanks Dennis, I'll probably take you up on that before I get to that part again. Plenty of other fish to fry in the meantime.