I'm New Here
Does anyone know if the empennage kit (once it is available) will be the starting point for the RV-12 like it is for the other aircraft, or do they intend for you to build the wings first?

Also I'm wondering if the fuselage/FWF stuff can be completed before attaching the tail cone/emp. I would like to be able to do everything but final assembly at home in my garage.

Thanks for any help.

N612JC reserved.
Next Kit

Was at Arlington EAA show on Thurs and Fri. Attended forum on RV-12. It was announced that the fuselage kit will be released next, probably at Oshkosh.

Fine with me....then maybe I'll have some idea just how my completed wings fit into their "home". Gliders usually have one pin down through the middle...my inboard spars have two horizontal holes? Then there is the question of just what does hook up to the flaperon control bar. Should be fun. Maybe if we're lucky, Jim Cone will get the first one again and I can steal more time-saving ideas from him...sure helped me with the wings. Thanks again Jim.

Fine with me....then maybe I'll have some idea just how my completed wings fit into their "home". Gliders usually have one pin down through the middle...my inboard spars have two horizontal holes? Then there is the question of just what does hook up to the flaperon control bar. Should be fun. Maybe if we're lucky, Jim Cone will get the first one again and I can steal more time-saving ideas from him...sure helped me with the wings. Thanks again Jim.


I will get the first fuselage kit and will post the entire building process on this site just like I did with the wings. I am just as anxious as you guys are.
Fuse Vs. Emp

Are we getting the Fuse next instead of the Emp? Last I heard it was going to be the emp/tailcone. I don't really care but what happened?

I also have completed wings (kit #2) and really looking forward to getting started on the next project.
Next kit

Oh goodie on the fuselage kit being released at Oshkosh! I am almost finished with my wing kit, just have one wingtip to go, and will be flying up to Oshkosh so will buy the next kit up there if there really will be one available. Took a couple of days extra work on the right wingtip because the handhold assembly was marked with an "L" for the right wing and an "R" for the left wing. Empirical analysis finally kicked in and we figured it out. Have about two more days to go to finish and we were beginning to worry that we wouldn't have anything to do for a while.
were your handholds predrilled in the spar? mine were not so I had to virtually cleco the entire end together and then drill with a 12 inch #30. Not a big problem but kind of a surprise. I mentioned to Van's thinking maybe it was just overlooked on mine. My handholds were marked correctly though.
