
Well Known Member
I am having difficulty trying to figure out how the rubber channel fits into the gap between the Horizontal Stab and the lower metal Fairing strip. Can anyone give me a pictue or two of how you fit yours. I realize that some have fashioned a lower Empennage Fairing made of fiberglass, however I would like to build mine to plans. Please share any and all photos of the lower side of the Horizontal Stab. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry, No Photo...

...because I never could make the rubber channel fit. The manual says that, alternatively, you can trim the aluminum fairing to a close fit: 1/8" or less IIRC. After several hours trying to make one side fit using the rubber I ordered a new aluminum piece (because the first peice was trimmed to make room for the rubber) and installed the other side without the rubber in less than an hour.

To totally close off any remaining small gap between the HS and the AL fairing I think I'm going to use a narrow strip of sticky back pile velcro (the soft fuzzy part of the velcro) applied to the bottom of the HS. The AL fairing will nestle into the pile and fill any gap.

Thanks for the input. That is what I am running in to. I can't seem to make the rubber fit for the life of me. Boy, it's really the small details that slow you down in the end.
I am still all eyes and ears in case anyone out there in VAF Land has any comments or suggestions.
Cut and Glue


Sorry no photo's, but from memory I had fun getting the rubber to fit to start.
What I did was cut away part of the rubber channel where the fairing was too close to the fuse deck. At the ends its ok but in the middle I cut it away on the inside edge. Then after the aircraft was painted I glued the rubber onto the fairing. 100 hours and two years later it's still fine.

Hope this info helps

Just scratched my head on this a month ago !

I did put the aluminum filler piece on the fuse under the stab but it may not be neccessary if the rubber fits and covers the 'gap'; it's all according to the length of your bottom stab skin.

I slid the rubber on the end of the stab skin instead of trying to pull it on the trimmed piece of aluminum that your supposed to put/attach to the fuse side. Same idea as the plans but on the stab skin instead :D. YMMV