
Well Known Member
I did an inventory of my empennage parts.... happy to find all parts accounted for.
One thing I'm unsure about... some of the spars and spar doublers have a bow in them. For e.g. the HS902 rear spars have a very slight bow. The 907 spar double has a slightly bigger bow. The 808pp vertical spar plate has a very sever Bow.
Do I need to be worried about this?

Question - if I use bowed parts that are symmetical, which way should I attach them? e.g. attaching a bowed spare double to join two spars... should I rest it bow-up, so that I have to push the ends down, or bow-down so that I have to push the middle of the doubler down?

Am I being too paranoid?
I usually put the bowed faces so that the two concave sides are facing each other. It doesn't really matter though. It'll be 95% straight when put the spar together and 100% straight when you put the skin on. That's one of the purposes of the skin (besides the obvious).

Have Fun!

The bowing in the doublers is normal and is a result of the way they are pressed from thick stock (that's also why they have the tool marks on the edges).
I just put mine on with the concave side toward the spar...

work with it

this is the nature of the beast just work with it.your kit is like all the rest thats why vans says if you are a really picky person than this kit isnt for you.
you'll see as you go along the norm for things and get a good feel for what is right. there are few mis made parts but it does happen. just keep in mind most of this stuff is stamped from flat sheet and you WILL be required to finish the parts. it not vans being slack its the kit staying affordable. they can make it perfect but we couldn afford it. ;) build on and the paranoia will subside. if it doesnt, well they sell quick :D