
Active Member
I recently purchased an unstarted 6 tail and empennage kit, but it got soaked in the Louisiana flooding. The good news is that the metal is all usable, but the paperwork is mush. I've ordered new manual and plans, but would like to have the packing lists so I can inventory what came. Anyone have a copy they can send me?

No replies yet. Does anyone have the packing list for the RV-6 empennage? I want to make sure I have everything before I order anything else.

Happy New Year.


No replies yet. Does anyone have the packing list for the RV-6 empennage? I want to make sure I have everything before I order anything else.

Happy New Year.


Call Beverly @ Vans. She should be able to look up the builder invoice and e-mail you a copy of the packing list.
Thanks Larry,

I tried that, and she is having issues getting it to email out. Something about it being a zip file and the server doesn't like it. The email showed up, but there was no file attached. She's still trying to figure it out, but if someone here has the list, it will save her the effort.



Have Van's rename the file extension to .piz instead of .zip when you receive the file rename and save it as .zip and everything will be fine.

Ron Greene

Thanks for the ideas everyone. Cynthia converted the info to a PDF and sent it. Now I'm off to inventory.

Happy New Year.

Disappearing ink. I dig up my inventory sheets. Sadly, over the course of 20 plus years, the ink has faded and they are very difficult to read. So, good thing Vans can still provide them for those in need.