
Well Known Member
Too many years ago I completed the empennage kit for an RV-9A, so I was thinking this would be a breeze. But, I just started the 14A and can't believe I'm stymied by the wording of Emp page 06-02, Steps 6 and 7. :rolleyes:

Can someone please post a couple of pics of what the front and rear of the VS-702 looks like when these steps are complete. It's "slap my forehead time" coming up, I know.

Thank you.

Mike D.
Check out the plans on my dropbox link in my signature. I think that will answer your question. If you would like posting access to the dropbox wiki drop me your email in a PM.

Page 11-08 might help to visualize. I have some notes on that page also.
What it’s asking you to do is dimple the 6 holes shown within the dotted line flush with the rear of the VS 702, that is the side you can’t see in the picture. Then dimple the corresponding holes flush to the rear of the VS 1401. You will end up with the lower 6 holes riveted With the manufactured heads flush towards the rear, the shop heads will be on the side you see in Fig 4 page 06-02.
Hope that helps
...the shop heads will be on the side you see in Fig 4 page 06-02...

Thanks for the quick response. That clears up how the 6 426's will be oriented.

Should the shop heads of the 470's also be on the side I see in Fig 4 page 06-02?