
Well Known Member
Emmanuelle Richard, known as Em in the local SoCAL community, passed on Tuesday April 20, 2010. She was 37-years old.

Em was an RV friend that I meet when she wanted to get her formation flying waiver. She built her 180 HP Constant Speed RV-4 and trained with the Black Jacks when she lived in Seattle. We became friends during her local formation practice for her FFI Check Ride. We flew together locally and in several air shows.

I found out about her departure yesterday and there is a void inside me. I am not one that is good at expressing my emotions in writing and am having a difficult time trying to put these feelings in writing. There was an article published about her in the ?Van Nuys Aviation & Business Journal? in February 2004. This is that article.




I miss you Em. My prayers go out for your family.

Thanks Doug for having this area available for us.
Special Woman

It sure sounds like Em was a very special woman.
My condolences to her family and friends, I'm sure she will be missed,
especially in the Aviation community. Thanks for sharing her info.
Remembering a fellow female wingman

I am deeply saddened by the loss of Em. I flew formation with Em many times. Because of her busy work schedule in recent years I made an extra effort to make myself available to fly in her flights when she could fly. I haven?t seen her in quite some time, but figured she was just busy flying the Lears.

During my early formation days I had the rare opportunity to sit in the back of her RV-4 as she flew in the number 4 position. She was an incredible stick and could put her plane wherever she wanted it to be. She truly ?strapped on? her airplane.

Throughout the years I witnessed Em become an excellent lead. I fly a relatively slow 160HP FP RV6-A. It was not easy for her in her light, quick 180+HP CP RV-4 to lead our element in formation landings, but she became a pro. It was an honor to fly off her wing.

Sadly, I never got to know her well. I felt a bond with her because we were two in a very small group of female formation pilots. I admired her for her accomplishments and intelligence, and considered her one of the most intelligent women I have ever met, but our friendship never went beyond the airport or the sky. Dan Checkoway ?Sharpie? commented, ?Somehow we trust our lives to one another in formation but often don't really know each other?. This is so true. Em was definitely someone I considered a friend, though I knew so little about her.

I cherish the moments I spent with this amazing person. I wish I could have held up a mirror and shown her what a beautiful person she was. Somehow, she must not have seen what we saw. She will be very much missed.
May she be in peace and enjoy gentle skies as she flies west.
Em passing

Wow, schocked and saddened to hear this.
I bought a throttle quadrant from her for my -4 project last year, off the VAF classifieds. The transaction was conducted via e-mails and PMs; I never saw her face to face.
Later, while on a LAX layover, I was cruising around Van Nuys and just happened by her hangar. The door was open and her polished RV-4 was rolled out, gleaming in the sun. Said I happened to be the guy who'd purchased the throttle quadrant and she invited me to check out her -4 and take a few pics. She even offered me a beer.
So glad I had the chance to meet her in person. She will be missed.

Seattle area
RV-4, wings
I'm sorry I didn't know her. It sounds like she was a pretty extraordinary person.
I knew about Em and looked forward to meeting her some day. Sadly, that day did not come. I hope that Gary and her other friends and family take some comfort in the fortune of having known her.
memoires de Em.

I have met EM from Lear recurent school in Dallas a few years back, we were both working for Jet direct, and were simulator partner, since then we have been in contact, phone and email, being born and raised in France we had a lot in commun...She was fun, had a lot of energy and liked her as a dear friend of mine. I am so sorry to learn about her death and am really bumped about it.
She had many alergies and we talked a lot about a honey regim, which was kind of funny, because she never hate sweets. I will not know now if that helped her or not.
God bless her, she is in myprayers
CNO 05-08-2010 Tribute

The SKY TYPERS flew a tribute to Em today.




Thanks Dave Klages and Tom Prokop for the photos.

Just got a new photo from Stephen Stinis at SKY TYPERS.
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