
Well Known Member
I have seen this on many panels with built-in oxygen systems. What is it for and what exactly does it do?
In pressurized jet equipment it generally selects 100% oxygen under a constant flow with pressure. Pressure breathing is required at higher altitudes to maintain a functional oxygen level in the bloodstream.
In my Mountain High Oxygen system, the emergency switch is a mechanical valve that connects the ports, that were setup for this, to a separate, direct oxygen hose. The assumption is that either the distributor modules failed somehow or some other normal path failure (hose rupture, power loss, etc). In emergency you have O2 directly from the bottle regulator.
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Depending on the set-up, constant flow oxygen option can also be used in conjunction with smoke goggles. The excess oxygen blows into the goggles to keep smoke away from the eyes.

Ever get campfire smoke in your eyes? I can't imagine trying to fly a plane with that going on.
I'm not entirely sure I would want my face to be the source of pure oxygen flowing in a fire environment producing smoke...
If there's smoke in the cockpit, it's a bad day. At least you'd be able to see without your eyes burning and watering uncontrollably. Hopefully the fire isn't near your face, and you'll have the ability to see, isolate and deal with source of the smoke.

Also remember not all smoke is from the EFIS exploding in your face. Could be a bad exhaust leak coming from the exhaust muff. Need to keep that smoke out of your eyes to be able to see the control to close the heat off.