
Active Member
I'm sold on the technical desireability of the emag/pmag, but wondering on products availability. I've heard that a large group was expecting their units this month - any news? I plan to order an Aerosport in April.


Call Brad and ask about the time frame. Order early. All you need is $100 to get on the list.

I've got 50 hours on my Emag/Pmag now and they are performing flawlessly.
I ordered mine mid July and got them end of last week. Supposedly the delivery is going to much better now that they think they will no longer be revising them between batches.

#90598 Inspection Scheduled, finishing details
N598SD reserved
Placed order two weeks ago

Brad said their reputation for long delivery times was deserved and they were improving turn around times. He said I should expect mine in three months days.

You give them $100 credit card deposit and before they ship they will send you an email asking for the balance in the form of a check. I suppose they are small enough that loosing that small percentage to the credit card companies hurts.
N941WR said:
He said I should expect mine in three months days.

Huh? To quote a line from Raising Arizona, "Which is it young feller?". Three days would be sweet!
jbDC9 said:
Huh? To quote a line from Raising Arizona, "Which is it young feller?". Three days would be sweet!

Sorry about that. Make it 90 days or 3 months, your choice. ;)

That's what I get for editing my post.
I called Brad a few weeks ago and I was supposedly near the top of the list at 7.5 months and counting. They've had my 2 grand for 2.5 months. At least they posted the install manual on their web site, so I know what to expect when it finally gets here. I'm glad I don't absolutely need it right now, otherwise I'd be fuming.
You only need to send them $100 to get put on the production list so do that NOW even if you don't think you'll have your engine for quite a while.

My Mattituck engine is due to be built in the next few weeks and Emagair is sending my 2 Pmags directly to Mattituck for installation and run-in.
I talked to Brad at Emag this morning and, as was said earlier, he was quite honest and candid about admitting the reputation they are getting for slow deliveries is deserved.

What he's working on at the moment is to tweak the programming because the Emag/Pmags are advancing a little too much. I'm told that I'm about 10 down the short list and mine should be shipping in about two weeks.

If it wasn't for the fact that there are actually quite a few of the E/Pmags flying successfully, I'd be concerned. But I think all we're seeing is the difficulties that a new (and successful, in-demand) business goes through. I get a good feeling about what they are doing and that they are putting out a LOT of effort to make the best product possible.
The trick is to just order them early and don't push 'em on delivery time. But order NOW if you think you'll need them in the next year or so.
Just to update this, I did get mine about 2 weeks ago now. I also just found out that they need to go back to change the ignition mapping, but they promise they will be back out within 24 hours of arrival. There is a provision to hook to them to do this serially (this that a word?), but that function is not available quite yet so they have to go back. Anyways ordered July received mid February. They do say that they should be on the final iteration so deliveries will get much better.

#90598 - Started it yesterday, inspection March 16
N598SD reserved

If it helps get the P-mags to Mattituck sooner, I'd be happy to switch spots with you. I'm not sure if I'm ahead of you on the list or not. As long as I get my 2 P-mags in the next month or two, it doesn't matter to me. It sounds like you need to get the units to Mattituck pretty soon for them to build with them.

Also, I can't remember if I read this or talked to Brad about it, but yes we will be able to update the firmware and maybe tweak some parameters on the E/P-mags via the serial port. That will be a cool feature--much better than sending them back for updates. They already have a jumper to set aggressive vs. moderate advance (for high compression pistons or auto fuel) and grounding the p-lead before vs. after applying power turns on a mode where the ignition doesn't fire for the first 3 revolutions. That's to clear out any gas fumes that might be lingering in the sump. It sounds like a very flexible unit.

I was planning on using a 3 position switch (off, p-lead grounded, power + p-lead grounded) for each P-mag, but now it sounds more flexible to just have separate switches for the p-lead and power. Or maybe just break down and get a Cessna-style ignition switch plus two separate power switches.

By the way, the link to the latest manual is at the bottom of this page:

Davepar said:

If it helps get the P-mags to Mattituck sooner, I'd be happy to switch spots with you. I'm not sure if I'm ahead of you on the list or not. As long as I get my 2 P-mags in the next month or two, it doesn't matter to me. It sounds like you need to get the units to Mattituck pretty soon for them to build with them.


Thanks Dave, but I think I'm already set up for an earlier ship time. In fact, Brad told me about 2 weeks ago that mine would be shipped by now (end of Feb) but he's moved that back just a couple of weeks in order to get them programmed with the updated performance curve before shipping.

I checked with Mahlon at Mattituck and he's fine with putting the engine back in the schedule a little bit in order to wait for them. Originally, my engine was scheduled to be ready to ship in the second week of April so there's still plenty of time for everything to come together, and if Brad gets the Pmags shipped out in two weeks from now as expected (???), then the engine won't have been delayed hardly at all.

This doesn't install much faith in these guys. People have to send their new units back and the manufacturer is worried about features when they can't get the basic product out the door...

I would readily pay a premium for this product if I could have a guaranteed date. I can't have a $25K engine sitting around for months waiting for one part.
I got a call from AeroSport today (mostly asking what color I wanted my engine). They are expecting my Emag/Pmag, to be shipped to them in about a week. Hopefully, it will be close to that.
FWIW, I ordered mine early December, got a bill for the entire enchilada
(2 p-mags) and paid by check on 12/17, they don't take plastic, which
is absolutely positively stupid. Called 3 times so far asking about my
delivery date. Last call they said to call back at the end of this week
and see but there was a slight chance that they might ship end of this
week. Ahhh, yeah, riiiiight. When pigs fly. Don't get me wrong, I
would love to see a flying pig. :eek:
Timing, overadvance

srv said:
This doesn't install much faith in these guys. People have to send their new units back and the manufacturer is worried about features when they can't get the basic product out the door...

I would readily pay a premium for this product if I could have a guaranteed date. I can't have a $25K engine sitting around for months waiting for one part.

You do not want to experience what I have been through with these over advancing mags.
Yes we DO. Tell All my friend. One of the reasons I decided to go with
the p-mags was that I could control the advance, something I cannot
do with the LASAR. Even if I have to run at the base timing (26 BTDC)
to keep the CHT lower it's all worth it. Especially when you consider
that the maintenance (supposed) of these units is nothing compared
to a standard Mag. Please let us know of the issues you have run into.
Also, were the issues resolved? Support is a critical factor.
PMag experiences after 20hrs

I'm running a P-mag and a slick mag right now. So far so good, I only have about 15-20 hrs on it. I don't have any performance metrics. Most of the issues I've had have been my own doing and believe it or not changing at the last minute to the 3 position switch has been a headache. I got everything in and it works fine though there are a lot of extra connections with the 3 switches. At one point I counted and I think there are about twice as many.

The 3 position switch system doesn't have a way to set the timing without jury-rigging it. I think there is a new schematic running around with yet another switch. When I decide I have time to put in a second pmag I'll change it to work off a breaker and a switch (just like the directions say) rather than the 3 position switch. The problem with the 2 position switch is that the a breaker needs to be cycled on every flight for a generator check and the breakers aren't really designed for that...

My last issue is that I cannot get the tach signal to make my vision microsystems tach work. That's frustrating because I'd love to get rid of the big mechanical tach assembly. I'm hoping to drag a 'scope out this weekend to troubleshoot.

One thing that I notice that is not intuitive if you look at the current draw diagram for the pmag is that when doing a 'generator check' (switching off power to the pmag at > 1500 rpm) you get a stumble for a short period. This surprised me since the docs seem to say that at higher RPM's the generator makes enough power to make it go. A call to emagair straightened me out basically saying that my mental model of the system was too simple.

The install support has been great with very fast email turn arounds. Yes they had delivery problems and if that is going to be a problem then don't buy'em yet. Once you get them they seem to operate as advertised and have excellent support.

FYI, they only took 100 bucks from me and then billed the rest on shipment.


PS One of the problems they've been having is on systems with the ryton 'plastic' sumps. If you have one of these you need to make sure you have the newer software that skips a few cycles before making sparks. Without this update it is possible to ignite the fumes in the case on the 'wasted spark' and crack a pretty expensive hunk of plastic.
I also want to add in here for the naysayers that they did tell me when I ordered mine that it would take a while and would not even give an expected date (other than should be by the end of the year). They did miss that, but not too badly. Also I would rather have to send the thing back to get something tweaked rather than them saying it's too hard and not even doing it at all.

Emag/Pmag My Experience

ECI IO360 with Whirlwind 200RV Propeller. One Emag one Pmag.

Set up and installation was very easy. I used a 5 amp breaker for the Emag and a 5 amp switched breaker for the Pmag. Timing took about 10 minutes total with another 30 to get everything locked down.

As of today, I have 52 hours on the plane and the system has worked flawlessly. This is an extremely smooth combination that I'm very happy with. My cutoff point on the Pmag is 680 rpm, well below the 850 rpm I have set up on the engine. I have had no CHT issues at all as some others have described.

The only real issue I have is during a mag check the Pmag drops 160 rpm while the Emag doesn't drop. The Pmag drop is consistent each time. I have checked all wiring and did in flight checks and all seems fine. I plan to send them in for a "once over" when I break down for paint

Regarding, the supply and delivery, I was given a time frame in which they met. I was not ready for them when they were ready to ship. I told Brad to ship them to someone who was ready and slide me down on the schedule. I got them, when I was ready, a couple of months later.

This is a new product. Other than a few isolated performance issues, I think that these have as good of track record as any other new product. (Dynon comes to mind in the early days). The important thing is how issues are handled. Brad is responsive and committed to having the finest product available and eventually have some on the shelf ready for delivery. Most importantly he is communicative and not afraid to admit the delivery shortcomings.

I'm having great luck with mine. I sincerely hope they get the delivery issues worked out so more of you can experience the simplicity, ease of installation and performance of the Emag/Pmag system.
RV7Guy said:
The only real issue I have is during a mag check the Pmag drops 160 rpm while the Emag doesn't drop. The Pmag drop is consistent each time. I have checked all wiring and did in flight checks and all seems fine. I plan to send them in for a "once over" when I break down for paint
This symptom sounds like a spark timing difference between the two. If you shut off the retarded mag, you would see very little RPM drop, whereas if you shut off the advanced mag, a substantial RPM drop would be observed.

Just a guess...:confused:

I think that is almost right

walter said:
Yes we DO. Tell All my friend. One of the reasons I decided to go with
the p-mags was that I could control the advance, something I cannot
do with the LASAR. Even if I have to run at the base timing (26 BTDC)
to keep the CHT lower it's all worth it. Especially when you consider
that the maintenance (supposed) of these units is nothing compared
to a standard Mag. Please let us know of the issues you have run into.
Also, were the issues resolved? Support is a critical factor.
I think I understand walter, but that is not exactly correct. It is true the P/E-mag can be set in a fixed advance mode. but the Lightspeed can be advance can be adjusted from the cockpit if you connect that option. Cheers George
yup, agree.

I believe the guys at emagair are moving in that direction as well. That will be a nice feature. And when they provide a method of integration with
my EFIS that will be nice too. I would like to see the advance in action
and the effects on CHT.

Unfortunately, the lightspeed system has no mag-"like" backup function
in case you lose all power and the battery is dead. I'm not about
to say one system is superior to the other, just stating the obvious.

Ain't it great to be flying right when all this new fangled stuff is here or
on the near horizon. I'm amazed at the creativity these folks have.
E-Mag endeaver

I made the comment that you guys did not won't to experience the problems that I had with the new E-Mag P-Mag. That statement still stands.

I received my Mags about two weeks ago. They were the new ones that were recalled. I installed them and flew with them before the problem was discovered. The advance code was wrong and they were advancing to far. Caused some serious heat problems. I sent them back and Brad reprogramed them and sent them right back. I flew with them today and everything worked fine. I ran them today at 26 deg advance. Tomorrow I will work my way back up to full advance and see what happens. You can run them at 39, 34, or 26 deg. If you put a switch to your jumper you can change from 39 to 34 on the fly.
For you guys that haven't installed your mags yet, here is something that I wish i had known about before i started. After you get your mag timed and you stab it, you won't be able to see the timing lite on the mag because it is on the back side. There is a space between the front and back half that is about a 1/4 inch. If you look through the space you can see the light real well. Hope this helps.
Just got an email from UPS. Mine are "in the mail." The big brown truck should deliver them to a random house in my neighborhood some time next week.
Just to update an old thread...

Received my Emag/Pmags a few days ago, July 19. Ordered on January 23... according to my math, that's right at 6 months. Ouch.

Although they say production/delivery dates are speeding up, if you're considering E/Pmags, order 'em early!
Just got a call today from Mattituck saying my engine was ready for shippment. It had been delayed for an E-mag and a P-mag which were ordered in the first half of March. So, that appears to have been a 12-13 week delay.

These delivery times may not be representative of today's expectation as they may have just got caught up with their backlog.

Or, maybe it is.

They were producing them in batches so the wait could be several months or a few months. Not sure if they're still doing that. The last time I talked to Brad his goal was to finalize the design and then mass produce.

The flip side is that they don't rush shipping them out. They make sure they get them right. Many people are flying with the E/P-mags with good reports. That's more important than shipping delays. (He says now that he already has his P-mags. :D )