
Well Known Member
This is a first ever Formula One air race in Ely -- one of the two sanctioned F-1 pylon events in the entire US this year. June 13-16.

The airport (KELY) will be open for transient visitor flights in and out during each day (between races, which reportedly close the field for 15-20 minutes each), and enlarged transient parking area. Or you can drive from Salt Lake City or Las Vegas in under 4 hours. Ample RV parking. (I might be able to help with overnight accommodations due to hotel room filling fast.)

Info flyer here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=955696054591958&set=gm.1733335383401871&type=3&theater&ifg=1

Info and ticket sales (soon to be online) here: https://www.elynevada.net/ely-air-races/
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Best of luck Mike with the show. Wish I could come. My wife's family helped settle Ely, Lund, and Pioche way back. Some still live there.
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