
Active Member
I'm installing the E-05 ACK ELT. With the cockpit dash remote plugged in to the audio alert strapped to the ELT, I get a low chattering/clicking tone and an ELT "ON" light constant flashing on the dash. Push and hold the ON or RESET button and the sound and led light goes off. Acts the same with or without the cables hooked up to the ELT. Batteries test good.
I'm not hooked up to aircraft power yet, could that be a cause. Leaving the ELT in off position to keep the black helicopters away;)
The wiring is the problem. Many have had the same issue. Cut off one of the phone jack plugs and install new plug with wires flipped. This will solve your problem.
Thank you for your help. Always some consolation when it?s someone else?s
screwup rather than my own.