
Well Known Member
Has anyone mounted an ELT antennae in one of the wing tips? I know the empanage fiberglass fairing is a popular option, and my thought is if you really needed the ELT to broadcast and are upside down, the antennae could still see the sky thru which ever side is up. If this is an OK idea, how would I create a ground plane?
In my opinion, I don't think it would be a good idea, as there would be a chance for the antenna cable being severed in the accident (if the ELT unit is in the fuselage), and would render the signal very weak.

Vic is right. You really don't want you ant lead going through bulkheads and/or ribs.
I don't think a wingtip installation will satisfy the antenna installation requirements for the ELT's TSO.
Just remember all those pictures of airplanes that lost their wings in an accident, many of them lost their wings. If your ELT antenna was out in the wing tip, it would be ripped off along with your wing.

Do a search on "ELT Antenna" and you will find many suggestions on where to locate them.