
Well Known Member
I just replaced my old Ameri-King (121.5) with an Ack 406. The Ameri-King antenna was mounted inside the canopy immediately behind the passenger seat. The Ameri-King used one of those short black bendy antennas like you see on handheld VHF radios. The Ack came with a long whip antenna that I mounted in the same location as the old antenna. The long whip is in the way and I've already accidently set of the ELT once already by hitting the antenna. Do you know if I can use a short antenna on the Ack, and if so will the old antenna work or do I need to get something else?

And before you say it, I know the install instructions say to mount the antenna on the outside (not going to happen).

Thank you,
I think you've already answered your own question. To meet regulations, the ELT must be installed in accordance with the installation instructions.
Well, for starters, the old one was for 121.5, the new one for 406MHz. So the answer is most likely "no".
I am curious as to how the ELT went off because you hit the antenna. The g switch is inside the ELT box, which should be securely mounted to the airframe.
Edit: comment about reg's removed; Mel already said it.
Antenna location

I have my ELT antenna in the baggage compartment with the long whip curved above the top window sill. This is in a fiberglass top on the -10. I also added a second antenna that is identical in location and design for my newly added comm 2. No more antennas in the breeze for me.
I?m looking at doing the same Ameri-King to ACK. Did you have to modify the original Ameri-King tray Mount for the longer ack tray?

It?s interesting that you guys were able to pass your inspection with it inside. I spoke to the DAR in my area and he told me that he wont pass a plane that doesn?t have the ELT installed according to the instructions provided by the Mfg. I guess each DAR is different.
I?m looking at doing the same Ameri-King to ACK. Did you have to modify the original Ameri-King tray Mount for the longer ack tray?


Every ELT should be in its own tray to provide security in case of a crash. I drilled a couple more holes to mount the ACK.
It?s interesting that you guys were able to pass your inspection with it inside. I spoke to the DAR in my area and he told me that he wont pass a plane that doesn?t have the ELT installed according to the instructions provided by the Mfg. I guess each DAR is different.

My plane has been flying since 2011. The DAR that signed it off must have been OK with it. Some certified planes have the antenna inside fiberglass ventral fins. I think my antenna will be protected in the event of a crash and still work even if the plane is inverted.
Internal, external, top or bottom mount is really a **** shoot as who knows what attitude an aircraft will wind up in after an accident. There is a high probability that an external antenna will be damaged during an accident sequence, and the greater the distance from the ELT to the antenna increases the chances of antenna cable seperation. Personally I think locating the antenna under the fiberglass empennage fairing provides the best all around compromise in an RV. Your DAR or mechanic may or may not agree, and the manufacturers installation recomendations are designed to satisfy installation in virtually any aircraft, and not necessarilly yours.
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Robert: The antenna hit the fuselage skin and the ELT alarm began beeping and the armed light on the panel lighted. I never touched the ELT.

All: I'd rather the antenna remain inside 1) to avoid another hole in the skin and the drag of a whip antenna, and 2) more importantly because I don't want my survival dependent on my crash attitude. Any suggestions where I can find an antenna expert who might be able to recommend an alternative arrangement to the manufacture's guidance?

Thanks all,
I am getting ready to install a new ACK-04 ELT in my RV7A. Like several other people on this thread I?m replacing a 121.5 MHz ELT which has an internal antenna mounted under the rear fiberglass fairing. Not wanting to drill a hole for the new ELT antenna (necessitating adding a doubler plate for the antenna installation) I asked the vendor I ordered the new ELT from about my dilemma. He suggested putting the new antenna where the old antenna was.

I then mentioned the installation instructions require antenna mounting within 30 degrees of vertical and he asked me the question: ?In most accidents where will the nose of the aircraft be?? I responded, ?likely nose down.? He then said, ?if the antenna is mounted in the horizontal position during non-emergency conditions but within 30 degrees of vertical during an aircraft accident where do you think it best?? He further said, ?If mounted vertical during flight but horizontal when you need it then my choice would be to mount the new antenna in the same location as your old one under the fiberglass fairing.? He indicated that?s where is was in his RV. I?m not mentioning the vendor?s name for obvious reasons.