Well Known Member

bought a used ELT antenna a while ago, intending to use it as a COM2 with an icom200 panel mount.
one of the typical rods that usually get mounted on the back of the aircraft, with a few windings close to the tip.

anyone see a problem with that?
figured it should work since 121.5 is exactly in the center of the band. or is it going to be too short?

we intend to use the com2 primarily for receiving and short distance tx like formation / on the ground etc...

planned to install it on the small deck just behind the rollbar (tipup -7a) and bend it along the rollbar...

thanks for opinions, suggestions and info

rgds, bernie

rgds, bernie
I helped build a Rans S-6 (fabric) which had terrible trans/receive problem. During the troubleshoot we swapped out the cheap bent rod antenna for a ELT antenna(~12 long thin wire with a spiral wrap near the tip). It was mounted on the outside fuselage behind the skylight. We had it hooked up to an Icom A-6 handheld. It worked so good we left it that way. Working great after 200hrs. 20 miles range when on the ground and 50+miles at 8000'.
It will work, but is not the best. The ELT antenna is cut for specific frequency (121.5/243 MHz). It is very slender. A larger diameter antenna has more bandwidth and will work better over the range.
thanks for the insight...

continuing to ponder over options... i do not want to have it in the outside airstream (com 1 is a comant bent whip outside on the belly / sl30 navcom)
as the drag/speed penalty is too much for its (short range) mission.
and the bent antenna behind the rollbar at least seems to work...

checkoway tried it with a second archer in the other wingtip if i remember correctly, but with very poor results.

i think we'll start out with that elt antenna and go from there...

You won't get very good transmission that close to all that metal and it will be very directional. Rule of thumb is that there should be no metal within the antenna length from the tip. In other words, with a 22" antenna, there should be no metal within 22" of the tip of the antenna.
I don't know what your mission is but the drag of a com antenna is not going to be visible on the ASI.