Cochise airmotive

I'm New Here
Not sure of many of you are aware of it, but the FAA has issued AD 17-16-01 against all Ameri-King AK-450 and AK-451 ELTs. It has also rescinded their TSO approval as an approved appliance to be installed in any US aircraft. Basically those of us who have an AK-450 unit such as in my Luscombe are not in too bad of shape all we have to do is perform all of the installation and functional checks yearly called out in the installation manual. However I have an AK-451 in my RV-6. This unit broadcasts a 406 Mhz signal as well as a discrete hexadecimal code registered with our aircraft. The AD requires the -451 units to not only perform the yearly oeriodic checks of the -450 unit but also confirm yearly that the unit's broadcast hexidecimal code is correct.
In the installation manual they discuss a software program that is apparently DOS driven that will allow you to prompt the ELT to run a self test on itself and show you the hex code required yearly by the AD. Of course according to the manufacturer a special test box is required, but I suspect that any old windows computer would do the same thing using the phone jack output connected to the computer through any USB input. Also if the ELT fails any of it's checks it will have to be replaced with a new unit for certified aircraft other than Ameri-King since the TSO approval is no longer valid.

Ameri-King has shut down their website and only has a phone number now posted to contact the company. The FAA apparently has had issues with them for months. Anyone out there have any idea how to get the Ameri-King software? Apparently there is a short DOS program they have called "AK-451" is out there to test the units, and will it work on an old Windows computer still running XP?

I'm coming up on the Annual Condition Inspection on my RV -6 later this month and will need to take care of the AD. I know we have a lot of smart software guys out there who may be able to write a program that will allow us to perform the required test without having to buy a $700 test box or pay an avionics shop to come over for two minutes of work.
Put the VAF Search function to work for you

The VAF search function is your friend. Search for:
Ameri King
AK 451

This subject has received considerable discussion here in the VAF forums.

As for me, I have the same danged ELT, and plan to replace it next year with another vendor's more modern and capable system. Holding out for an Oshkosh special...
The VAF search function is your friend. Search for:
Ameri King
AK 451

This subject has received considerable discussion here in the VAF forums.

As for me, I have the same danged ELT, and plan to replace it next year with another vendor's more modern and capable system. Holding out for an Oshkosh special...

Nope, this is a new AD, and it affects the 121.5 mhz AK-450 as well. Check it out here:$FILE/2017-16-01.pdf

Note the effective date of the AD...
Hexadecimal Code Test?

John T. (Cochise airmotive)

This is a little lawyer-esk, and I am not a lawyer, but reading the AD ...

(g) Repetitive Actions and Corrective Actions requires complying with section 3.4 of the Installation and Operation Manual.

Section 3.4 of the Manual includes, among other things, 3.4.8 Verification of Digital Message. Under that Item, is "Note: This test is not mandatory per FAR 91.207(d) however Ameri-King strongly recommends that it be performed as part of periodic maintenance, at least every year."

I argue that you do not need to verify the digital message to comply with section 3.4 of the manual or, therefore, to meet the requirements of the AD.

Best regards,
