
Well Known Member

I introduce myself : Eric Moret, I live in France and dream to build a RV14 QB. I often consult VAF for more than 6 months to inquire while waiting for to be able to begin the construction.
The problem is that in France there has been never RV14 and the French administration of the general aviation (equivalent of the FAA) asks me to demonstrate that the working part of the builder is more than 51 % to approve the kit.
The ideal would be to find the document AC20-27G which Van?s had to fill for the FAA so that the RV14 is eligible, but I doubtless dream?
On the other hand, so certain of you have the experience of the construction of the RV14, I would like to know the number of hours worked about the various parts realized by the kit.
Your help is very important if I want to be able to hope to build the RV14.
For the moment I prepare the workshop ? ;)


PS: I?am afraid to not see the RV14 on the last version of ? REVISED LISTING OF AMATEUR-BUILT AIRCRAFT KITS?.
The latest approved kit list from the FAA just came out a couple of weeks ago and the RV-14 is not on it.

It will not make the list until after all the kits have been released and evaluated.

In the US, if the kit is not listed, the applicant must submit the checklist contained in AC20-27G, appendix 8.
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PS: I?am afraid to not see the RV14 on the last version of ? REVISED LISTING OF AMATEUR-BUILT AIRCRAFT KITS?.


The RV-14 and 14A have not yet been evaluated by the FAA for eligibility to be on the approved kit list. It will happen, but I do not have the answer as too when.
Thank you for your answers.
If I understand well, it is the amateur builder who filled the AC 20-27G and not the manufacturer of the kit !?
So I am going to try to obtain estimations of the work already made by builders to complete my file.
Best regards.
If I understand well, it is the amateur builder who filled the AC 20-27G and not the manufacturer of the kit !?

That is correct if the kit is not on the approved kit list.

A kit manufacturer can apply for the FAA to audit a kit for compliance and if it passes, it then gets added to the approved kit list.

The RV-14 and 14A have not yet been evaluated by the FAA for eligibility to be on the approved kit list. It will happen, but I do not have the answer as too when.


Any updated info as to when FAA Approval might be forthcoming?

I note that it's not on the latest FAA Approval List (March 21, 2016):

I'm particularly interested in the QB version of the kit. With the extensive prefabrication and significantly-reduced build time estimates on Van's website, is it possible that a "stock"-built QB RV-14 could have trouble meeting the "Major Portion" requirement?
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All the parts are not available just yet so I would expect it will still be a while before the FAA can evaluate.

Any updated info as to when FAA Approval might be forthcoming?

I note that it's not on the latest FAA Approval List (March 21, 2016):

I'm particularly interested in the QB version of the kit. With the extensive prefabrication and significantly-reduced build time estimates on Van's website, is it possible that a "stock"-built QB RV-14 could have trouble meeting the "Major Portion" requirement?

The FAA evaluation team has been here this week and finished their evaluation of the standard and QB kits yesterday afternoon.

I was not involved but my understanding is that both passed. It is not official until they actually add them to the list. I don't know what the lead time is for that to happen.

There are a handful of RV14 build logs on You can search the data base of 14 builders; plus once you find a RV14 builder on VAF where they list builder links and blogs you will accumulate lots of good build site resources.

My kit log link is at the bottom of my signature; I haven't updated it for a couple of months. I am around 80% finished with the wing kit now.
I have no experience in building a kit, yet! But would it be acceptable to purchase QB fuse and wings, and non QB empennage to assure you're over the 51%?

I believe that's the way it's designed...and, why a QB empennage is not offered. After all, 51% means you have to do _SOME_ of the work! :) Seriously, I'm sure you'd meet the 51% requirement with no problem. From the work that I've helped a friend with on his -7A, I think you could roll a finished airframe into your shop and STILL have 51% left to do! :rolleyes:
I have no experience in building a kit, yet! But would it be acceptable to purchase QB fuse and wings, and non QB empennage to assure you're over the 51%?


I believe that's the way it's designed...and, why a QB empennage is not offered. After all, 51% means you have to do _SOME_ of the work! :) Seriously, I'm sure you'd meet the 51% requirement with no problem. From the work that I've helped a friend with on his -7A, I think you could roll a finished airframe into your shop and STILL have 51% left to do! :rolleyes:


All of the RV QB kits are designed with the intent that the builder will build all of a standard empenage kit, so there is no QB empenage kit available.
So, everyone starts with that and when it is completed gets to make the decision whether they continue with standard kits or use quick build for the wings and/or fuselage.
Some people discover they enjoy the building process a lot more than they expected, and choose to take the standard build path even though their intent was to go QB.

BTW, building the standard build emp. kit factors in to making the kit meet the 51% requirement. Having it built professionally by someone else would likely make the airplane ineligible for amateur built certification.

All of the RV QB kits are designed with the intent that the builder will build all of a standard empenage kit, so there is no QB empenage kit available.
So, everyone starts with that and when it is completed gets to make the decision whether they continue with standard kits or use quick build for the wings and/or fuselage.
Some people discover they enjoy the building process a lot more than they expected, and choose to take the standard build path even though their intent was to go QB.

BTW, building the standard build emp. kit factors in to making the kit meet the 51% requirement. Having it built professionally by someone else would likely make the airplane ineligible for amateur built certification.

OK, I guess I didn't convey my point well, so I'll try again: If I were concerned whether or not a particular kit met the 51% rule, I would be considering using the non QB wing kit in addition to the non QB empennage kit (as a minimum) to assure my project included > 51% construction by me. Its just a thought for someone who is subject to France's version of the FAA, which I'm sure few of us in the USA know anything about (I certainly don't).
OK, I guess I didn't convey my point well, so I'll try again: If I were concerned whether or not a particular kit met the 51% rule, I would be considering using the non QB wing kit in addition to the non QB empennage kit (as a minimum) to assure my project included > 51% construction by me. Its just a thought for someone who is subject to France's version of the FAA, which I'm sure few of us in the USA know anything about (I certainly don't).

Now I get it.

You had originally written "would it be acceptable to purchase QB fuse and wings, and non QB empennage to assure you're over the 51%?".

I took the "QB fuselage and wings" to mean QB fuselage, and QB wings.

BTW, official word has been received from the FAA that the RV-14(A) standard kit and QB kit both passed the compliance inspection and they should on on the approved kit list very soon.
Vans only designs "kits " to comply with the 51% rule. All of the RV14 kits are now available. We are about 2 weeks out from our first flight.
Salut Eric,
Nous sommes a Fort Worth au Texas, et construisons aussi un RV14.
Ton post m'a fait marre un peu: 51% aux US est different de 51% en France?
As-tu finalement convaincu nos bureaucrates Francais?

Nous avons fini le tail kit, et allons commander le suivant.
N'hesite pas si tu as des questions ou besoin de quoi que ce soit.
Tu peux m'ecrire a [email protected] (imlars est mon copain).

Nous serons a Oshkosh cet ete.

Laurence Bonneau