Little Wing

Active Member
Finished up my trim tab today but I am not too happy with the results. I think I may have taken some of the bend out of the trim spar while dimpling. The top of the skin is concave and the bottom convex by about 1.5/32".
Does anyone think this needs to be fixed or build on?
Thanks in advance!

I stressed a lot over mine which came out about the same. Now that it's painted and flying it's impossible to notice unless someone was to put a straight edge on it. Operationally it works just fine...

Suggest you build on, then see if you still notice it by the time the plane is assembled. I bet there will be other little boo-boos that will bother you more... You can always rebuild it then, probably in about 1/3 the time it took for the first one...
The small tab can be tough to get perfect. It looks perfect when drilled/clecoed, then changes after dimpling. If you want to feel better, take a straight edge with you to sun-n-fun or airventure and compare others. Probably find yours in the middle of the pack. Build on.