
Well Known Member
Due to circumstances beyond my control (i.e. I followed the instructions and screwed up the trim tab), I had to make ribs for the ends of the tab. To end up with solid rivets on top where it's visible, I would have to use blind rivets to attach the bottom of the tab skin to the tab spar. I was thinking of using MK319BS rivets the whole way.

Does anyone see a problem doing this? Seems pretty benign. I know I read about someone else doing this, but I can't seem find it again and can't remember if he used MK319BS or CS4-4's.

Oh, and drilled my first finger tonight. No biggie....it was only a #40 :rolleyes:
Use the MK319BS.... they are Monel, almost as strong as solid rivets and look a lot better than CS4's. I used them on the bottom skin on one of my ailerons (because I drilled the wrong size holes :eek: ), they look MUCH better than the one I used CS4's on. Only problem MK's are expensive.
lrfrey said:
Use the MK319BS.... they are Monel, almost as strong as solid rivets and look a lot better than CS4's. I used them on the bottom skin on one of my ailerons (because I drilled the wrong size holes :eek: ), they look MUCH better than the one I used CS4's on. Only problem MK's are expensive.

Thanks Larry!
Russ Christopher, one of the local RV-8 builders, was able to lend me about 30 MK319BS rivets...saved the weekend for me. I tell you, RV builders are just some of the coolest people on the planet.
jcoloccia said:
Oh, and drilled my first finger tonight. No biggie....it was only a #40 :rolleyes:
John, as long as you didn't safety wire your "holey" finger to the next finger, you should be alright. :D

When you guys did the bent-flange-to-rib replacement, did you consider having the riblet flanges face outward rather than into the tab/elevator? This way you could squeeze solid rivets, rather than pop rivets you couldn't get to.

I'm trying to decide if I should cut off my left elevator bent tabs...not very happy with the way they turned out. Haven't even started the trim tab, but expect the same results. Just curious about the riblet thing...

jferraro16 said:
When you guys did the bent-flange-to-rib replacement, did you consider having the riblet flanges face outward rather than into the tab/elevator? This way you could squeeze solid rivets, rather than pop rivets you couldn't get to.

That's what I did on the elevator:


I used solid rivets except one or two at the narrow end I couldn't get the squeezer on. It turned out very nice. I went with the folded-tabs method per the plans on my second and final trim tab. :)

well, either way is going to be fine. i went the other way and used pop rivets. i plan to fill them before paint any way...


like matt said, you'll end up with a couple of pop rivets anyway unless you have a way to squeeze really tight spaces. there are ways to do that though as well...

Great input, I appreciate it! Both look great. I'll flip a coin to decide which way to go ;)

Can't wait to bend that trim tab tonight--
