
Well Known Member
I spent all day building and almost got my left elevator done. I bent the elevator trim tabs today, which I was dreading. I made the bending blocks out of oak and I bent the tabs. I think they turned out really well. My question is, when do the tabs get blind riveted together? I don't see anything in the instructions that tell me to rivet them together. The only thing I see is a little section in the plans that show two rivet holes and a note that they use MSP- 42 rivets. But it doesn't give measurements for where the holes go. Does it matter? I just don't want a conflict with the trim tab rivets. My mind is mush after pounding rivets for 8 hours, so maybe I missed it. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Your fold looks nice!

I riveted mine when riveting the tab itself. This allows you to ensure you don't wind up with two rivets in the same place. Third from last step on trim tab section is a good time to plan all this out.