
Well Known Member
Last night I was fitting up the horizontal stab and trim tab. I notice that on the outboard bottom leading edge the trim tab skin does not line up with the skin of the horizontal stab trailing edge very well. The trim tab is significantly thinner than the stab at the point directly below the hinge line. It is very close at the inboard edge nearest the rudder. Is this normal?

Of course it's normal!;)

It's completely normal to dork up at least one (and often two or three) trim tabs before you're finally happy with what you built. I think Vans says that they sell more replacement trim tabs than any other parts in their inventory. I have one "spare" trim tab sitting on my workbench - it will probably never get used, but I couldn't bring myself to throw away perfectly good (albeit dorked up) aluminum!

Vans sells replacement trim tab parts for just a few bucks. Order another one and try it again!
Actually I was thinking of building up the bottom side of the tab with Balsa, putting on a little resin and painting it......see any problems with this? It might be more work in the end but it might not...
Balsa wood, or any other water-absorbant material, might be a problem due to swelling if water gets into it. I'd recommend a light mix of epoxy & micro instead.