Good Morning,
I'm building the elevator trim tab and ran into problems following the construction manual when it came to riveting the E-917/918 trim tab horns to the E-919 skin. Do you bend the ends of the trim tab first, or rivet the trim tab horn before you bend the ends? Based on a couple of builder logs I checked before I started, they said to bend the ends first and then rivet. When I did this the aft most 426 rivets ended up at an angle...and I ended up putting extra dents in the trim tab...don't want any repeats of that with the new one arriving today. Please share what worked for you guys. Thanks!

I'm pretty sure I bent the ends before riveting the horns on. If you screw up the bends and have to order another trim tab skin, you won't have to redo the horns too. Here's a picture of how mine turned out:

RV-14 trim tab is almost identical. I riveted after the bend. Pretty sure I used the longeron yoke or a longer narrow flat rivet die to reach "around" the bend.