
I'm New Here
On page 11-10 for the trim system installation it states in Step 3 to "Adjust so that the elevator trim cable anchor brackets are centered on the 7/16 threaded portion of the elevator trim cable anchor points."

How does one thread the anchor brackets on to the cable since there is no room to turn the plate? You guys that have done this please give me a clue. Thanks.
Turning the plate

It's kind of tough but if you'll take it loose form the servo & pull it out the back a little ways, you can thread it on then.The hardest part for me was threading the trim cables through the horizontal & the elevator.

Marshall Alexander
I waited to rivet the nuts to the plate until it was threaded on the cable and adjusted. Just keep adjusting and clecoing it to the plate until it was where it is supposed to be then rivet it to the plate, I think this is why Van's says to use blind rivet instead of solid rivets.