Nova RV

Well Known Member
I am setting the elevator travel and am a little confused. The manual says I need 30 degrees up and 25 degrees down and that -
"The Elevator should not come in contact with the upper or lower flanges of the Horizontal Stabilizer at the "full up" or "full down" positions."

So if I can get 30 degrees up and 25 degrees down before hitting anything, then I am ok, because eventually it touches the top skin edges at something like around 35+ degrees of up and the horn hits the stabilizer spar with full down travel before the elevator touches the skin so that travel is limited by the spar to 25-30 degrees down.

I think this is ok but it bothers me that the elevator can rub the top skin if I move it up enough past the 30 degrees.

Is the horiz stab/elevator assembly installed on the fuselage yet? Generally the travel limits are set (at least on my -8 project) using control stops that clock the elevator control horn travel, which are on the fuselage. They've over-sized by default (meaning they limit travel quite a bit and need to be made smaller in size). You trim those to the proper size to provide the travel required/specified. I'm assuming the -14 uses a similar mechanism here, of course.

If it's not yet installed on the fuselage, where it will be limited by the up and down elevator stops, it will travel further than the spec limits, for sure. And it will rub as you have described.
Thanks, they are not mounted on the fuselage yet - just going through the steps setting them up and drilling the holes through the horns to tie the 2 horns together and for the pushrod which gets installed later. I guess the fact that they can touch the top/bottom skins eventually concerned me but if all I need to do is be sure to have at least 30 degrees up and 25 down without touching them I am fine and will proceed.
Official word from Vans

"You are correct, we are trying to achieve 30/25 without interference. Later on when they are
installed on the tail cone there will be positive stops."