
Active Member
Chapter 9 page 09-08 The instructions shows to taper the end of the respective E-01423 trailing edge. It appears that the reason for this taper is so that the end of the trailing edge will nest inside of the trailing edge of the E-912 elevator tip where is slips inside of the skins. I think I got the right elevator fitted pretty good actually slipping the E912 tip in the end to check the fit. The left side is another question. As seen in the picture there is nearly .6 inch on my E-912 where where is no opening to fit the trailing edge into. It doesn't even appear that the tip is open at the longitudinal location where the hole is meaning I would have to taper the hole off to make it slip inside. I did some search on the forum but did not find this specifically and I am open to suggestions.

I tried to make it load the photo but instead I got this photo bucket link. First time.

Here you can find a photo of Van's RV-14A elevator


The trailing edge piece does not go into the E-912. The trailing edge is tapered on the ends to approximately match the height of the E-912. Below is a link to a builder's website that has excellent photos and comments on his build. He took a trip out to Van's and has posted some photos of the prototype RV-14A. There is a photo that shows the tapered trailing edge in the "Fun Stuff" section of his site.

E's website:
http://rv-14a.blogspot.com/search/label/Fun Stuff
Scroll about half way down the page to find the picture of the "Left elevator trailing edge taper".

Good Luck,

Last edited:

Photo 19 of 68 on factory tour pics. That makes sense now. I printed it and will be adding it to my plans book.

I guess I'll be ordering some trailing edges since I got em both messed up. I'll be bookmarking this guys website. Lots of good technique stuff there.

Is this one we ought to add to plan gothcas or am I the only firstie that didn't get it.

Another VAF succcess. This site rocks. Thank you a million for that.
Still thinking about this

So if the tip fairing fits inside the tip and gets match drilled and screwed in ( I haven't found that chapter yet in my tail kit plans ) and the trailing edge wedge is tapered as shown in pic 19 of 69 and fills that space, is it reasonable then that the fairing section that slips inside the tip of the elevator gets trimmed off, just enough to clear the part where there is already structure?
So if the tip fairing fits inside the tip and gets match drilled and screwed in ( I haven't found that chapter yet in my tail kit plans ) and the trailing edge wedge is tapered as shown in pic 19 of 69 and fills that space, is it reasonable then that the fairing section that slips inside the tip of the elevator gets trimmed off, just enough to clear the part where there is already structure?

That is correct.

Section 12 has all of the details regarding fairing installation. You should have gotten that section with you emp. / aft fuselage kit.
The elevator tips are covered on page 12-05
pic help

in photobucket, click on the 'Direct' link on the right menu...it will copy the URL to your photo.
Then in your message, click on the little yellow square with the mountain in it, then 'paste' the url in.
Presto! ( resize to 800x600 if you can)
