
Well Known Member
I am getting conflicting numbers when I looked up my elevator throws. I have an older kit without original plans so I am using new preview plans. The preview plans state up and down 30 deg. I have read on this forum that most -4's are up 30 down 25. Which one should I follow?
You'll likely find out that the structure around the elevator horns will limit the throw. So, trim as needed to get the minimum of 30 up/25 down... if you can. And if you can get 30 down also, without trimming away any important structure... go for it.

However, consider that you'll never likely use 30 down elevator unless you're landing upside down, or possibly in some wicked spin recovery situation. :eek: So, don't do anything rash to the structure just to get 30 down.

You'll probably have to trim some HS trailing edge skins too.

And it goes without saying.... nothing in your control system should rub on anything else, at any time, at anything less than hitting the stops. This is the number ONE squawk that I see when looking over other people's RVs. Ugh. No. Bad.
I thought this brought back some memories so I dug out my builders manual. I have the "30 degrees up and down" crossed out. Alongside is a note that says "25-30 up, 20-25 down" along with a comment that leads me to believe I emailed Van's on this (it was a several years ago). As Vince mentioned, the structure gets in the way. Drop Van's an email to confirm. They were always great to deal with when I had a question.

Cameron Smith
RV4 #68
I actually did get 30 down 29 up with a little trimming. I guess I should email them to find out if that is too much. It would be easy to get it down to 25 degrees if I have to.