
Well Known Member
Today in checking the throws on my left elevator, I've run into an issue. Like many others here, I'm not getting the down throw depicted in the manual.

In searching the forum, I've come across several potential solutions, but have seen several that could be considered questionable. With that in mind, I'm hoping that you might take a look at the issue below and educate me on the best course of action.

Issue: Left elevator has a throw of only 23.5˚ in the down position when against the rear stabilizer spar. A throw of 25˚ +0˚ -.5˚ is called out in the manual.

  • 1 5/8" Minimum distance between spar web and torque tube met (1 11/16")
  • Rod end bearings are precisely 13/16" from spar to center of hinge point
  • Electronic level has been "zeroed" before taking measurement
  • Control surface begins in trail with counterbalance arm flush at 0˚

Found this posted by Scott on another thread:
Adjusting the rod end (elevator hinge points) lengths to vary the amount of deflection relative to the elevator stops is not recommended.

Any opinions expressed in this message are my own and not necessarily those of my employer.

Scott McDaniels
Hubbard, Oregon
RV-6A (aka "Junkyard Special ")
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Pictures below:


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My rodends had to be backed out a turn or two to prevent rubbing of the elevator leading edge to a rivet on the hs spar. Then when is movement was completely free I had no issues with range of motion
...A throw of 25˚ +0˚ -.5˚ is called out in the manual...

I'm pretty sure nothing in the Vans world except wing twist (or lack thereof) is specified down to the fractional degree. As suggested Tom023, I suspect that that's -5˚, not -.5˚.

--Bob K.