
I am working on the left elevator and when i bent the tabs on the end where the trim tab fits, the wood slipped and the bend went behind the lightening hole. the skin has a small buckle in it. this buckle is parallel with the bend, just behind the lightening hole. ( i think that hole is called a lightening hole?) . Anyway, will that buckle be a problem structurally? Can i enlarge the hole to meet the buckle. I hate it when i try to follow the directions and
screw up! suggestions welcome.

dennis giammarco rv-7

empennage sooo close to being done.
wings ordered
Pictures of problem

had to take pictures and let my daughter figure out how to load them to this site. Incidentally, I dont think that hole is a (lightning hole), it must be a stress relief hole. You can see the bulge in the metal on the picture. thanks!

Looking at the picture--I'd say move on and don't worry about it as long as there are no cracks in the metal anywhere.

On the other hand, If it really bugs you, it will continue to bug you until you fix it. At this stage, replacing parts is quicker and easier than it will be once you're flying.

James Freeman
I wouldn't start messing with it too much. Maybe someone has a suggestion on how to improve it, but if not and it really bugs you, you can always cut the tabs off and fabricate a little rib for that area... many people have taken that approach. This would enable you to flatten the skin with your hand seamer.
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elevator ridge

after looking at the skin, and seeing no cracks, i am just going to leave it and move on. i am so looking foreward to completeing this part of the project asnd beginning the next. Thanks for the replys :eek:
RV7Factory said:
I wouldn't start messing with it too much. Maybe someone has a suggestion on how to improve it, but if not and it really bugs you, you can always cut the tabs off and fabricate a little rib for that area... many people have taken that approach. This would enable you to flatten the skin with your hand seamer.
Like Brad suggested...

Here's mine-
dennis said:
after looking at the skin, and seeing no cracks, i am just going to leave it and move on. i am so looking foreward to completeing this part of the project asnd beginning the next. Thanks for the replys :eek:
FWIW, I think that was a wise choice. This reminds me of something another builder once told me which I try to keep in mind when something doesn't come out perfect... "The only evil of good is better" (or something like that).