R Eleew

What is the best way to rivet the top side elevator skin to the spar flange? I tried to back rivet this piece and my rivet shank is not long enough to get a good angle due to the barrel of the gun contacting the bottom flange of the spar.

Is there an adapter to lengthen the back-rivet tool or...is there just a better way to accomplish this task?

Thanks in advance for the advice.
Elev Skin to Spar

I just finished this and glad it is over. Clamp the bottom skin to the bench and bend the top skin up as far as you can. You can then reach in with a bucking bar to the shop head on the rivit at the spar. A good selection of bucking bar helps. It is difficult to apply force to the bar with only your finger tips and you will not be able to see the positioning of the bar as you strike. Good Luck!

RV9A Emp-need to order next kit
A tungsten bucking bar helps a lot in these tight quarters as well.

I've got 5 bucking bars now, 4 steel and one tungsten - and I have not picked up any of my steel bars since I received my tungsten bar. It really is that good.
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Here is the picture of the skin spread open while riveting the spar with a bucking bar and flush set. It's not really as hard as it looks. I used one of the HS jigs screwed to the table to clamp one side of the skin to. Take your time and get 'er done!

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Here's my setup to hold the skin open while riveting.
