
I'm New Here
First time RV9a builder. Working on elevator and looking for assistance on riveting the skin to spar. They call for flush rivets on the top side and pop on the bottom...... how do you top rivet the skin to the spar???? a video/pictures would be great pictures, along with instructions

Thank you
Maybe this will help

I don't put a lot of "how to" detail in my build log (I mostly write this one for my dad so he can keep up with what I'm doing), but maybe it'll help you a bit:

Pretty much every question has been answered on VAF, but it can admittedly be tough to find some things. I use Google to search VAF - just easier for me than using the forum search (in Google: elevator spar). The biggest help for me has been finding build logs that I can look at in conjunction with reading ahead in the manual. has always been a good go-to.
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Here's a picture from my build log:


Don't be afraid to really peel apart the skin top from the bottom.

Bruce thank you for the advice and photo... I was a little scared bending that metal that far back.... but it worked.