
Hello-I have an RV-4 that my dad started many years ago and unfortunately he passed away in March. I am currently going through the project and assessing the status and learning about the various components. Most of the major structural parts are complete.

The biggest issue I’ve seen so far is that the left elevator skin had some heavy corrosion scale on the top surface, I removed the scale and polished it but it looks like it has eaten into the aluminum a bit.

My question is whether anyone has drilled out all of the rivets and replaced the entire skin.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
In a previous life I built an RV-4 tail for an HRII, and I seem to remember that the elevator skins were not pre-punched, so you might have some difficulty locating skin holes accurately to a previously drilled skeleton. You might get away with it since there aren’t any ribs internal to the elevator (only stiffeners) and the spar and end rib flanges are accessible from the outside for the most part. However, you might be time ahead just to build one from all new parts except for maybe the horn weldment; the parts aren’t all that expensive.
That sounds like a good idea-I’ll check with Vans on the availability of the parts next week. I’m sure they can make them but might take awhile-there’s plenty of work left in the meantime-thank you!
Elevator skin

If you drill the skin off, Airframe components can replicate what you send them with amazing accuracy! I’ve used them over the years and the do great work!
Jason- Edwards Aircraft Service