
I'm assembling the skeleton for the right elevator and have run into a problem:

703 and 704 are attached to each other, and then to 702 (I read the posts about riveting 704 to 702 before attaching 703 - sounds good.)

the small rear-facing flange on the outboard end of 702 seems to stand "too tall" which doesn't allow the rib assembly and the spar to sit at right angles even though the flange is perpendicular to the spar. when I flex the spar to "create" a right angle, it tends to pull 704 away from 703.

additionally, because the flange sticks out too far, the holes in the end rib (703) are pushed outboard, and don't line up well with the pre-punched skin holes.

believe me, I'd post a picture if I could.

have you seen this? what did you do?
photo op


maybe that'll help...
Mine was like that as well. Pull that tab as far over as you can to get the alignment better, a rivet has got to go through thoes, and the skin so it is a 3 layer rivet joint. The good news is once all 3 pieces are dimpled, it helps for all of them to pull themselves into alignment. Have you tried fitting the 713 counterbalance skin yet? I had worse alignment with that, make sure the 703 and 704 are fluted perfectaly and totaly flat, and that the sides that touch each other are not bowed out. I had to gentaly tap them will a rubber mallet to get them level. Remember, the hole in the skin are the proper spacing and such, you cant change that. You can bend and tweak the 3 different understructure parts to get the alignment you need.
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guess what Van's said...

Gus: "five hundredths of an inch? Build on!"

actually, he also said that I could try to tap the 702 flange slightly inboard, then build on.