Well Known Member
I thought i would share a little investigation i conducted to work out what the maximum distance from the spar you can wind out the elevator rod end bearings, and still get the requisite 1 thread out the back of the nutplates. (as the manual is silent on the matter, and Van's didn't have a distance available).

I based it on the RV7 manual, as this gives a maximum permitted distance, and adjusted for the additional thickness of material in the RV7 (they have an extra doubler on the external spar face).

I found that the RV7 maximum distance was too far for the RV14, meaning on the -7, if a builder set their rod ends at the maximum, by my calculations, they may not have any threads showing out the back of the nutplates.

I may have made an error in my calculations of course not being an imperial native so to speak! Highly probable...

The details are in my blog post if anyone is interested, or any future builders need a reference if they encounter rubbing with the HS.

If anyone has any comments on my calculations, especially if anyone disagrees with the method or conclusions please let me know! (I won't be drilling my elevator horns for a while yet)
