
Well Known Member
With the mirror like reflection of aluminum and, getting used to needing reading glasses to see any darn thing I'm doing up close, I managed to botch one of the rear pulled rivets on the right elevator 2nd inboard rib. It needed to be drilled out, and I knew going in, because of the tight quarters and given difficulty of removing pulled rivets, that I'd likely dork it up. Well, I didn't disappoint, I dork'ed it up quite nicely. So I have two questions please. 1) What should I do about the existing hole? Debur the edges (with a scotchbrite pad) or upsize the hole? 2) If there is enough edge distance can I just drill a new hole, or will I need some sort of doubler now? As always, thanks for any advice.

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Hi Greg
Both your suggestions would work. It all depends on what is going easier for you to do. Edge distance would be OK for another hole if you could get a drill in there.
Looks like there is sufficient ED to just drill another hole, install another rivet and drive on. I would'nt even try and clean up the other hole if it introdues any additional possibility for further damage. A slightly ragged hole in that particular portion of the rib should'nt cause any future issues.
Thanks for the input.

Thanks Guys,

I cleaned the hole with some small files, then sanded the sides with 150 grit followed by 220 grit then scotchbrite pad. Drilled the new hole aft and riveted. I'm going to hit it with some rattle can primer and call it good.
