
Well Known Member
Why would the plans have you roll the leading edge of the elevator after doing all the other stuff on 09-24 and 09-25? For example, why put on the trim tab and the insert the servo? In particular the trim tab servo. The push rod would be in the way, since the elevator will be on a flat surface..

I plan to roll the edges, then finish off all the other stuff on those two pages.

Just curious on other peoples thoughts. Sorry if this has been discussed in a previous thread.
Rolling elevator LE

I was waiting on tools to do the wiring for the trim motor so I had taken the tab back off the elevator to keep it from flopping around. In the meantime I went ahead and rolled the leading edges. Once I got my tools (mmm...more tools) I went back to page 09-24 and picked up again at step 4. I guess I would have noticed the problem if I had done all the steps sequentially.