
Active Member
I'm building a RV8

I just completed the right elevator. When rolling the leading edge I was told the top leading edge should overlap the bottom to prevent water from entering the elevator. The plans also show this. In order to do this the longer edge of the skin should be on top so it can be rollover the top of the bottom skin, but my skin has the longer edge on the bottom causing the gap to be facing up instead of down. Has anybody else had this problem? Is it a problem or should I just continue and accept the snickers when people notice and point it out. I really don't want to replace the skin if I don't have to even thou I am an expert in drilling out rivets.

I checked the left elevator skin and and it has the longer edge on top it appears as if the right skin was bent in the wrong direction at the factory.

your comment's are appreciated.

Bill RV8
As long as the top overlaps the bottom, you should be ok. It will not be possible to see the leading edge seam when the elevator is mounted to the HS. Do you have any pictures of the seams? I don't recall any size difference between the two, but my memory is not improving with age!
billdianne said:
I'm building a RV8

I just completed the right elevator. When rolling the leading edge I was told the top leading edge should overlap the bottom to prevent water from entering the elevator. The plans also show this. In order to do this the longer edge of the skin should be on top so it can be rollover the top of the bottom skin, but my skin has the longer edge on the bottom causing the gap to be facing up instead of down. Has anybody else had this problem? Is it a problem or should I just continue and accept the snickers when people notice and point it out. I really don't want to replace the skin if I don't have to even thou I am an expert in drilling out rivets.

I checked the left elevator skin and and it has the longer edge on top it appears as if the right skin was bent in the wrong direction at the factory.

your comment's are appreciated.

Bill RV8
Does it really matter? Won't rain get into the leading edge of the elevator at the big cut-outs where the rod end bearings are? Or am I missing your point?
Bill -
Both of my skins on my -8 were the same. (longer on bottom)
I talked to van's and they said (guess what) "don't worry about it).
I rolled them such that the top skin overlapped even tho it was a little shorter and things turned out fine.

-8 wings
Alright, I'm not the only one that noticed this on my -8 elevators! Gotta love the search function of this site. Back to bending my leading edges, I'll just make the top overlap the bottom.
Mine are also that way

I am building a 7 and the leading edges are also that way. My right elevator had the long flat tabs on the top and the shorter one with the 90deg. flange on the bottom.

When I built the left one, I was done with it except for rolling the leading edge and when I went to do this, I thought OH POO! This skin is wrong, but a quick check of the plans show that it was designed this way from the factory. The plans show the right elevator overlaping top over bottom, and the left elevator overlaping bottom over top. The 90deg. flanges are on opposite sides.

It looks like they use the same tools to cut out the overall skin and to fold the 90deg flange onto the shorter side for both elevators and then for the left elevator skins, they cut out the trim tab location.