
Well Known Member
I looked at Drawing 27A for the RV 7A and was wandering if this is normal and if there is any concern about it. Probably 1/4 to 1/2 inch out. Thanks for all the good thoughts and ideas on this site.


Bruce (BOOMER) Pauley
RV 7A (177WD res)
VAF #582
EX KC-135A Boom Operator
Completely normal. In fact when you read ahead in the plans (for drilling the elevator pushrod attach point), you'll find that it takes into consideration that there's often an AFT and FORWARD control horn.
Just curious... in the photo I see that the inboard ends of the elevators are closed-up with aluminum end-caps... is this as per the plans for the -7? Or is this a custom job?


Filled them in with foam and then put microlight over them. They turned out great.

Thanks Bob

I do look ahead. In the drawing they even look like mine. That might be a first when you can see something in a schematic and it DOES match if you know what I mean. Have to get the magnifying glass out for most of the stuff in the pre-view plans.

Thanks again,

Previous post

Bruce, there was a recent post on this issue.

Here is the text of my comments on my own probelms.
In this case it is an illusion created by the oblique angle from which the pic was taken. The elev horns are parallel and so are the sides of the opening in the deck, so the clearance is constant around 1/4".
The big problem I had was that the elev horns were not symmetrical. The Left was longer (actually lower) than the Right. And I drilled the Left one first and then discovered I had an edge distance problem on the Right. After consultation with Vans, I was able to file the pilot holes I had drilled, upwards to maintain the edge distance.
Ever tried to file Chromoly. I had diamond files and even the took an age.
Advise you to check before drilling.
Thanks Peter

Looked at your picks and realize that you have to
watch the edge distances.

Somewhat related. Somewhat not. I don't know exactly why but when I mated the tail and clamped the counterbalance arms even with the HS and at some point while drilling the holes in the horns for the elevator pushrod attach, the clamp must've slipped. So I got about a 1/8" misalignment in the counterbalance arms (i.e. with one side clamped, the other side is off by about 1/8).

Trying to think in my head what the flight characteristic effects of this would be if I don't rebuild both.
Bob Collins said:
Trying to think in my head what the flight characteristic effects of this would be if I don't rebuild both.

My buddy's -6 (he bought it already flying) is like that - when one elevator is even with the HS, the other is up (or down) over 1/4".
It flies great. It is only noticeable if you hold the elevator even with the HS ... nobody ever does that (except when he is showing people :D )

TShort said:
It is only noticeable if you hold the elevator even with the HS ... nobody ever does that (except when he is showing people :D )


OK, I'll show people... :D


I have taken several pictures like this of the elevator horns in flight, just out of curiosity - to see if trim drag is a problem. This is in my normal cross-country mode - me, full fuel, and maybe 40 pounds in the rear baggage area. As close as I can tell, it is right in trail.

In the interest of full disclosure, the other elevator horn is just barely (maybe a 32nd?) "high" when this one is flush. I had to adjust out a slight left-wing heaviness during Phase 1, and I sometimes wonder if the very slight mis-match between elevators contributed to that roll trim...

But What If?

Let's say that the elevators are much more out of alignment, say with one trailing edge an inch or so off relative to the other. What would be the overall effect of this?
Aileron misalignment

Bought a flying 6A and have noticed when flying straight and level that ailerons are misaligned about a half inch. If I align the ailerons to neutral I get a definite left turn. What causes this and how can I correct it?