I need to countersink the elevator fairing tips. Any recommendations on how to keep the countersink cage flush with the fairing since there is that slight flange just to the side of the hole?
Eirther free hand it or make a plate from .125 and drill a 1/2" or 5/8" hole in it. Space the hole edge to piece edge to accomodate you joggle. 063 migth be enough depending upon the joggle height.

learning to free hand a countersink is an important skill. Its not that hard.


+1 for what Larry said about free hand countersinking. I used a 100 degree deburr bit to countersink all my fiberglass. Rather easy once you get the sequence down.
I did mine by hand as the force of pushing the countersink cage down on mine was bending the fiberglass. I wound up using my drill with countersink bit while using two fingers on either side from the bottom to support the fiberglass.
As an alternative to using a drill, I put my bare countersink bit in my electric screwdriver. The slow speed made it very easy to control depth.
The quick way is to free hand the countersink. Use a scrap and practice, the bits can grab with little pressure so get a feel for it. A sharp bit requires very little pressure. Use a very low speed on fiberglass.
I often free hand in aluminum as well if only needing to do one or two holes.
A ready extension for threaded bits is a cable turnbuckle center. The clockwise end is a match to the bit threads, also drill bits. If you have the equipment lathe the unused end for easier chucking to a drill.
Good luck!