
Well Known Member
Finished riveting the stiffeners on the elevator skins tonight. Had a little extra time so I thought I would read ahead on the plans. Nowhere did I see any mention of the trim setup, electric or manual. The plans show it, but the Instructions don't. I would like to assemble as much as possible while waiting for the fuse kit to arrive. I would like to get the electric trim in and working.

Help Anyone?
Welcome to the rest of the kit....

Hi Greg!

You're going to find that as you move through the building process, the instructions will become less and less detailed. The Empennage instructions are pretty much step by step, and by the time you get to final assembly, they'll say "install the wings!" (well, not really, but sorta like that...) The trim, being a detail that has nothing to do with the structural assembly of the tail section, is one of those "finishing things" that you just sort of figure out. I had the exact same questions you did...and finally realized that I just needed to look at the pictures in the drawings, and start building. It's not hard, and you'll gain a lot of confidence in the process.

Hint - you will have to slide the servo around a bit to make all the geometry work right! ;)

I think they're in the very back of the manual. Either that or I just put them there after finding them somewhere else. =) I didn't use them though, like Paul said, just start building. Mine looks kinda sorta like the plans, but simpler. Really it's just a little fin that goes up and down.