
Well Known Member
1. With my right elevator mounted to the HS, the gap between the HS skin and the elevator counterbalance skin is about 3/32-4/32. What is the proper gap? I can't see where it says in the plans. The good thing is that this gap is, by and large, consistent where those two surfaces come together.

2. More problematically, when mounting my left elevator, I noticed that this gap ranges from about 3/32" at the aft portion of the counterbalance arm to only 1/32 between the forward tip of the c-b skin and the HS. This is not the result of different rod-end bearing settings, but rather that the forward part of the counterweight balance skin on the left elevator cants (sp?) inboard about 2/32" toward the HS and away from the outboard edge of the main left elevator skin (in other words, visualize a line extended straight forward in line with the outboard edge of main elevator skin--my counterbalance arm angles inward from that imaginary line). I don't know how this happened, as I had the ribs fluted dead-on straight before that skin when on (and were much straighter that my right elevator c-b ribs!).

I don't think I can make up this by setting different rod-end bearing distances. Either I'm going to have to do some pretty heavy shaving on the front inboard portion of the counterbalance skin, or I'm going to have to somehow straighten that counterbalance arm to make it line up better with the main elevator skin and HS skin (perhaps by taking out the entire line of rivets going down the main skin on that outboard rib).

Has anyone else had this issue (either a clearance issue or a counterbalance skin that is not in line with the rest of the elevator?) and how did you solve it?


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massage it some

I did a little massage on mine it will move a little, just don't get to crazy with it, prob get a 1/16th to an 1/8th just make sure its even all the way top and bottom.. even..

I found mine bowed also, but another interesting thing is that when I riveted on the fiberglass tips it pulled them a bit out... So you may want to at least fit and cleco the tips before you start shaving. Otherwise just do some carefull bending and see what you can acomplish.