
Active Member
Haven't read every page but haven't seen the requirements/procedures for balance.
Have the stock weights trimmed for fit etc. installed no paint and controls stick connected.
The elevator is heavy to the the nose up, weights down.
Should the elevator be balanced level, what I would call equaled balanced.
Any manual ref would be great, ready to rivet tips on.
FWIW. both sides nose heavy before paint. no weight adjustment made. flew the Vne and had a very slight buffet in the elevator. with the added paint weight the elevators split the balance. electric trim side slightly tail heavy and the no trim side still slightly nose heavy.
We seem to have various ways to safely balance our elevators successfully. On my 9A I balanced each elevator independently by drilling out lead from the counter weights. I flew off the 40 hrs and then took the plane in for painting. Now with paint the elevators need more weight. So, I melted lead shot and poured it back into the holes as needed to bring each elevator independently into balance. This advice came from my tech advisor and has proven for me a good choice. It was simple to balance before and after paint. My 2 cents.

Not quite 600 hrs:)

If you are going to paint it I would not take any weight off until it is painted. Also you will find that if you use manual trim vice electric there is a difference in elevator feel, force and balance.