Still doesn't show everything

Compare it to the ACS2002 (now AF-2500, which shows EVERY parameter numerically on screen at all times.

The expensive EI display doesn't even show all CHTs and EGTs simultaneously. You mean you gotta pay all that money and still have to press buttons and flip knobs? No thanks. I want an instantaneous and complete display, which is why I chose the AF-2500.

Numbers in green? Not a good choice imho. I personally think EI missed the mark on this and didn't do enough user interface testing/surveying. I'm sure it's a fine product, but the display doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's just me.

I'll take my AF-2500 any day of the week over this thing. No button pushing or knob turning or paging see EVERYTHING at once. It's all there right in front of you!!! And I know this is highly subjective, but I believe the AF-2500 is way more readable, way more intuitive. Less clutter. For way less money!!!

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
AF-2500 photo

Advanced Flight Systems

Just FYI, I am NOT affiliated in any way shape or form with Advanced Control Systems. I'm just an extremely happy customer/user. And it doesn't hurt that the company creator/owner (Rob Hickman) is an RV-4 builder/flier and is building an RV-10!

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
So many to displays

dan said:
The expensive EI display doesn't even show all CHTs and EGTs simultaneously. You mean you gotta pay all that money and still have to press buttons and flip knobs? No thanks. I want an instantaneous and complete display, which is why I chose the AF-2500.
I agree with you Dan the AF-2500 is nice and the better deal, but from the picture above it does look like it does show all EGT/CHT's at one time?

It seems like there is now may be 10 or more engine/system monitors on the market. We have reached market saturation here. :eek: I think EI's claim to fame is to get TSO STC approval for use in factory planes down the road. We don't care. :D

Cheers George
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I believe what Dan meant is that there's no numerical display of EGT/CHT on the EI unit. It only shows the bar graph for all four, but numerically it only shows the peak and the variation.

There is another display option that shows the values for each cylinder, but loses the bar graph.

My opinion after looking at engine monitors at OSH, is that the EI's user interface was awful compared to both the AFS and Dynon monitors, and more expensive at that.
I see

keen9a said:
I believe what Dan meant is that there's no numerical display of EGT/CHT on the EI unit. It only shows the bar graph for all four, but numerically it only shows the peak and the variation.
Thanks I see that. I have a plain ol EIS -4000 from GRT. I love it. Those fancy displays are too much for me. (Kidding)
keen9a said:
I believe what Dan meant is that there's no numerical display of EGT/CHT on the EI unit. It only shows the bar graph for all four, but numerically it only shows the peak and the variation.

There is another display option that shows the values for each cylinder, but loses the bar graph.

My opinion after looking at engine monitors at OSH, is that the EI's user interface was awful compared to both the AFS and Dynon monitors, and more expensive at that.

We actually have more views than any of those systems if you really want to see EGT/CHT's.
Whe have the digital, graphical, differential, and the "tattle-tail" view.

Take a look. Plus EI is committed to supporting all MVP-50's with future firmware so you never have an outdated instrument.

Plus all hardware is included!

The MVP-50.
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I have to disagree and agree

First let me disagree - All those that posted back in the fall of last year... I disagree with you about both your assessment of the MVP and your comparison to the ACS.

The nicest thing about the MVP, is it's completely configurable. Dont like the colors, change me, don't like not having individual CHT/EGT's they are there and available. Do you want engine management or engine information. Two dramatically different things and the MVP does the management better than all. Just for kicks, try to monitor 2 busses, both volts and amps with the AF-2500, without a switch of course.

And I agree with the final poster, this thing is gonna be awesome. And it supports the Chelton interface. I should know, I'm putting dual cheltons and the MVP in my Lancair.

I first looked at going down the AFS route, but it seems to be best laid out for a 4 cylinder with either NA or Turbo, but wanting some of both seemed problematic. I then looked at the GRT EIS, but while it supported the Chelton, it was limited in what you could hook to it and it won't support the Aux 5 or 6 inputs in the Chelton configuration, so I lost the ability to monitor the second bus.

Plus I wanted full expandability. The MVP supports dual (or more) busses for current and volts (a requirement in an all glass airplane). Main L/R, Aux L/R, header, etc fuel information. It will interface to just about anything that has or can provide 0-5v of information (great for flap position display). It's a complete fuel totalizer, fuel and engine management system, complete with internal memory with configurable parameters. A USB port to upload new features, checklists, etc or download the recent or older flight parameters.

To compare the AF-2500 to the MVP is really not very smart. The AF specifically is designed for a 2 tank, conventional aircraft, that has limited engine management functions. The MVP is a fully configurable engine mangement system, with support for configurable displays, field upgradeable software updates, both system and internal screens; data recording and analysis features.

Look at the list price difference for the same cylinder configuration and you'll find it really isn't that much more expensive, but then look what you get.

Now we just need to start a campaign with the guys at EI.... I want to hook my IPOD up to the display and a screen that I can select that will show me what track and song information I'm listening too on the my IPOD! :)

My .02,

The AF-2500 will allow you to:

1. Turn On and Off any of the instruments.
2. Monitor 6 EGT and 6 CHT Temps plus TIT
3. Upgrade the software with a PC
4. Change all the green/yellow/red arcs.
5. Send Data to the Chelton System
6. Monitor Your Flap and Trim Positions
7. Store data
8. Voice Alerts
9. Configure your check lists
10. GPS Interface for MPG, Gallons at waypoint

11. We will also have the dual voltage dual amps before Sun-n-Fun

It should be very easy to compare the two systems as we will be next to EI at Sun-n-Fun Booth D-92

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
Excellent news

Rob, thanks for posted the new features, I had heard a rumor that the AF-2500 supported the Chelton, but wasn't sure if it was true or not, there was no info on your webpage to suggest that as of a week ago when I went looking.

I'm sure there are puts and takes to both. I do however suspect, one is a superset and one a subset of a set of features. But that's just my .02 from looking at what information there is available for both at the moment. It also appears that D2AV has chosen the MVP to be there replacement IDU going forward. I think that is only directly applicable to the PRO, but it was an option for the Sport and one that I took advantage of. The EIS just didn't do what I wanted at the time, and you product didn't seem to either...

Course, aint that whats wonderful about technology, if it's upgradeable, competition will fill the gaps.

As a point of clarification, to upgrade the MVP, does not require a PC, you simply put the data, firmware image, checklist changes, etc on a USB memory stick and plug it in... Requires no PC at the plane. Course, I do expect there are fancy keypresses that will be required to enter "programming" mode :)..

Good Luck, nice to have some competition to drive the feature wars... The consumer wins when that happens.
