YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Is anybody utilizing any sort of electronic format for maintenance logging and tracking? The only solution I have found is PlaneLogix, with their most "affordable" plan starting at $129/month. I could create some sort of Excel spreadsheet, but would love to find a more elegant solution. I'd even pay (a little) for it.

Is anybody utilizing any sort of electronic format for maintenance logging and tracking? The only solution I have found is PlaneLogix, with their most "affordable" plan starting at $129/month. I could create some sort of Excel spreadsheet, but would love to find a more elegant solution. I'd even pay (a little) for it.


My aircraft had paper logbooks when I bought it, and I can see the advantage of paper. Easier to sign things, for example.

So I simply scanned the logbooks in using the "scanning" feature of the Notes app on my iphone. And then I save a PDF version of it, with the original scans remaining in Notes so I can add to it the next time a log entry is made. It also functions has a logbook backup in case anything should happen to the originals.

I’m another vote for paper logs, then take pictures to back it up.. there’s an app that’s useful for tracking inspection, airworthiness status, and even oil changes.. it’s called Coflyt. The free options are good enough for me, but there are more options with the paid version.
Thanks all. I get the appeal of paper, but I also like the idea of automated reminders, as well as the ability to quickly look up and cross reference things, such as parts needed for a service, oil analysis documents, borescope pictures, etc. I spent a few hours today playing around with SmartSuite and made my own. Still playing with it, but it was very easy to set up. On my "Maintenance Log Page" I can make entries for each service or inspection I perform and also include pictures and a signature. That entry also automatically updates the corresponding component's last service date/hours as well as next due date/hours if applicable. I have the components grouped, such as airframe, engine, electrical, avionics, etc, and color coded to highlight when due within 30 days or 10 hours. I also have setup an automatic email notification when a due date is within 30 days. Unlimited components can be added and include info such as SN, Model, inspection interval, etc. There is also a mobile app that makes it very easy to add entries from your phone. Here are some screenshots with some sample entries. I don't plan on backdating years of paper log entries into here, and still plan to keep the official stuff like condition inspection entries on paper, but this makes it much easier to track everything else for me.


Electronic logs have a lot of appeal but how do you handle entries by others? For example, the PST test required every 2 years. Any work an A&P does and gives you a sticker as an entry? A tire change in a remote city done by an A&P. A condition inspection you aren’t authorized to do? My initial Airworthiness sign off was on paper.
Electronic logs have a lot of appeal but how do you handle entries by others? For example, the PST test required every 2 years. Any work an A&P does and gives you a sticker as an entry? A tire change in a remote city done by an A&P. A condition inspection you aren’t authorized to do? My initial Airworthiness sign off was on paper.
This wouldn't replace paper logs, where all of those entries and anything else official could be made. I would snap a picture of the sticker and attach it to the digital entry. The idea is not to replace logs, but to have easy access to all of the data within, plus additional related data and notes, especially for maintenance tracking and service reminders. Plus, it's fun to learn something new.