
Active Member
I want to swap out my old pneumatic Horizont and Compass and replace them with some not so old Instruments. I thought about a complete new Glascockpit like Dynon or Garmin, but I dont' have the "Resources" and tools to do it. I also want to remove all old Engine Steamgauges. (marked red on Photo)

I already have a used Dynon D10A with Remote-Compass and Wireing harness which I want to replace the old Horizont.

To replace/remove all Engine instruments, I want to use a Dynon EMS-D10 or an EDM-740. I already have an EDM700 in the cockpit, so I don't need new Sensors, when I choose the EDM-740. The Price is nearly the same; EDM740 has bigger Screen.

Does anyone have experience, which EMS is the best Solution ?... or has a better idea :)
(Sorry for the broken english...)

Thank you,

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I used the Dynon D10 EIS and would do it again in a heartbeat if I had the need. Great little unit.

Do a little research to confirm, but I would bet the probes you have would also work with the Dynon.
I retrofitted my -6A with a used Dynon EMS 120

and eliminated (8) separate gages on my panel --- I have it talking to my Dynon D10A, and can switch all the displays back and forth ---- wonderful addition to my -6A.

email me for pics!


simie1 at knology.net
Electronic efif in rv-6

I upgraded my rv-6 with the MGL Iefis lite and that gave me autopilot. I chose to keep my engine instruments, but I can also opt to incorporate them into the Iefis later if desired. I still had room to keep my standby horizon, airspeed and altimeter. Love it. I flew a 300 mile trip this weekend and the autopilot flew the whole trip untouched. It holds course and altitude beautifully. Check it out on Mgl's website. Lynn Gooch
I have the EDM740 in a Pitts. My honest opinion about the equipment is that it's a really capable little unit, well designed, and it works very well.

Which is just as well, as getting a couple of technical questions sorted out from them by email was quite a saga and very irritating, especially as I live overseas. So much actually, that I would look at one of the other manufacturers next time even if the cost was a bit more. EI have been excellent responding to questions when I was looking at replacing it with the really nice CGR30P (I have delayed that upgrade however).
update - New Fotos and Question

update - New Fotos

Question. Which Lean find (LOP) is better ? Dynon (can't find it in Manual) or JPI ?
