I am looking for some help finding a very knowledgeable person or business to assist in troubleshooting an ElecroAir system on a turbocharged IO-540. The system is installed in a Saratoga that I fly while building my RV-10. We have been troubleshooting the system for two months with ElectroAir?s support but still have an excessive mag drop of 70 RPM when switching to EA system on mag check at 2000 RPM. I intend to install one of these on the RV-10 when we get to that point but right now need help in figuring out why we cannot get the system to work in the plane I fly today. Plane has been down 2 months and it is time to go flying!


I have done some extensive troubleshooting with the Electroair experimental system, some of the experience may be applicable to the certified system. I?d be glad to help if I can.

First question. Why do you consider a 70RPM drop at 2000 RPM excessive? Does the engine operate satisfactorily otherwise?
The Electroair system uses MAP to control the advance curve. A turbocharged aircraft will have higher MAP and so the ignition curve is not as advanced.
In my experience, retarding (i.e. not advancing) the timing will reduce the run-up RPM.

I have a switch on my panel that turns off the timing advance to the Electroair, and the RPM drop is quite apparent (no recorded values and I am down for my annual).

I also monitor timing advance on a voltage input on the SkyView EMS.