
Well Known Member
Getting ready to close-up my vertical stabilizer and want to wire for position and anti collision lights. Anyone have a recommendation on wire? Gage? Shielded? Grommets?


As far as I know, most folks run the lights in the rudder lower fiberglass fairing, and not the vert stab.
Good point

Mike - where are people mounting their anticollision beacon?
and what kind of wire did you use?



I suggest 18 gauge wire - maybe heavier than necessary, but better too heavy than too light (gauge). As Mike said, most put these in the lower rudder fiberglass. Unless you're including a strobe, I would see no reason to use shielded wire.

Mike - where are people mounting their anticollision beacon?
and what kind of wire did you use?



I looked at tons of RVs and I've never seen a beacon mounted on VS. May be I was not that attentive but I had the same thoughts years ago. Then I was planning a tail camera like this one


The best suggestion I got was to leave a string for future wiring if needed. Run regular fishing line or similar through VS ribs and leave it there on top under fiberglass. Mount all fairings and proceed with the rest of the kit. You would be surprised how your goals and needs change within couple years of building.
Good advice

Vlad - I figured I'd run a string or something just in case.
So what are the regs? Anticollision beacons not required on experimental aircraft???

Meanwhile, things are moving along. HS done, VS done; start on the rudder tomorrow.

Vlad - I figured I'd run a string or something just in case.
So what are the regs? Anticollision beacons not required on experimental aircraft???

You don't need any lights at all if you're not going to fly at night! But most folks do put anticollision lights in the form of strobes on their planes. A strobe in each wingtip and one on the back of the rudder does the job just fine - as do a pair on the extreme tip of the wing that can be seen all the way from front to back.

I have seen very few RV's (like one, maybe two) with a beacon on the tip of the tail ....
Paul - this was...

....I have seen very few RV's (like one, maybe two) with a beacon on the tip of the tail ....

...Vans original minimalistic strobe approach on the early -6 and -4 models. Shown in SK-15 in my plans.

It was a wing tip strobe mounted vertically in the fixed fiberglass portion of the vertical stab. Not really a good solution since the lens would emit more light vertically and fore-aft rather than sideways, which it what would be needed.

It was much more streamlined that the certified "jelly bean" lights/strobes though...:)
I placed a corrugated tube in the most forward part of the VS, from bottom to top. It was secured at top and bottom with tie-wraps (made two little holes for this in each location).

Then, I run inside the tube the coax cable for VOR antenna. I did the two operation at the same time, AFTER completion of VS. It is not difficult. I must add that I have a removable VS tip.

One end of the corrugated tube extends a few inches far from the bottom of the VS. This allows for it to enter slightly in the tail cone, when the VS is assembled to the fuselage.

You can do the same.

Apart from this, I believe you can place the strobe inside the rudder fairing, as most do and as I did.
