dick seiders

Well Known Member
Sort of electrical as I began to get wing pin alarm going off during takeoffs, flight and landings. B.Betty would say something in a foreign language to me (sounded like nothing recognizable). I put up with it for a couple rides (as wing pins are checked at preflight I was comfortable wings were on). After a short experience with this I tired of being jarred during takeoff with the alarm and then decided to look around. I found that the white lead to the reed switch on pilot side had separated from the connector. I suppose the wire would intermittently brush agaist the air frame grounding it and occasionally triggering alarm. The reason for this lengthy tale is these wires are somewhat exposed in the spar channel and subject to being hit with luggage, etc. if any is placed in baggage area which could break the connection and pull wires loose. I reconnected, flew and problem of alarm is gone. Now I will try to come up with a way to protect the exposed leads to avoid a repeat. Might be worth checking to avoid the issue.
Dick Seiders 120093