
Active Member
Hi Folks, - I have a weird sequence of events when turning the Master switch on. When turned on, the green light in it comes on briefly then immediately goes out. Then, as the Dynon screen fades up, (saying 'RV12'), the green master switch light fades up too! Then the Dynon screen goes black, so does the light, then both fade up again as the Dynon does it's internal check & completes it's booting up. If I leave the Avionics switch on before operating the Master, the Avionics light follows the same sequence. If I remove a wing spar pin, the big red light comes on immediately, and stays on, when the Master is switched on..
I am still at an early stage, & have only turned the master on a few times, to install software,etc., but this doesn't look normal; - has anyone seen anything similar, or have any suggestions on where to start looking? Cheers & thanks, DEAN..
The screen dimmer for skyview also controls the panel lighting dimming, so what every the skyview is doing during its boot up, it will effect all the panel lighting also.
did you upgrade the version ( 11 )from stock one to the one available on the VANs site ? I had similar stuff happening when I upgraded version available from "Dynon", I then upgraded to the one from VAN's and it all seems normal now.I think it will become normal after doing it few times.
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Wow, thanks guys for those quick replies, that's a load off my mind, I wasn't looking forward to digging around behind the instrument panel.. Yes, I have the latest software, downloaded from Van's website.. thanks again, DEAN