Brett H

Active Member
While working on installing the wiring today, I noticed that one of red heatshrink bands that marks the installation location on the length of the wiring slipped.

Can anyone verify what these lengths should be?

I currently have from the end of the connector to the red band:

WH-00050 Transponder 12 inches
WH-00051-1 Com 18 1/2 inches
WH-00095 ADS-B 14 inches


Columbus, IN
Brett -

For reference, on the WH-00046 wiring harness the first red band is located approximately 23" from the connector and the second band is located 62" from the connector.

Thanks for your response.

Regarding the location of the red band on the antenna cables, I asked Van's and got the following response:

WH-00050 Transponder Antenna Cable 12" from the non-BNC connector and 38" from the BNC end

WH-00051-1 Com Antenna Cable 7.5" from the BNC connector

WH-00095 ADS-B Antenna Cable 11.5" from the BNC connector

It was very helpful that hear that the red bands can slip. Because, mine did.

Columbus, IN