
Well Known Member
Do we have a library of drawings on VAF?
I found a few under the "Downloads" link.
I found a few 12 &14 with mixtures of Dynon and Garmin.
It sure would be nice. Grab a section. Copy & Paste.
Move a few things. Draw some new lines.
Maybe in a standard format?
I have a few drawings already.
Just an idea. Probably a pipe dream.

I've seen those. Excellent resource.
I have quite a few drawings from builders. Problem is uniformity. They are different file types.
I was dreaming of a library of files and symbols in a common drawing format. Find the drawing. Copy paste into your drawing program. Add, delete or move few symbols and bang. Drawing done. Post the file to the Library for future builders.
Hence the pipe dream.
Just me

I've seen those. Excellent resource.
I have quite a few drawings from builders. Problem is uniformity. They are different file types.
I was dreaming of a library of files and symbols in a common drawing format. Find the drawing. Copy paste into your drawing program. Add, delete or move few symbols and bang. Drawing done. Post the file to the Library for future builders.
Hence the pipe dream.

I started with a schematic from a friend. But it turns out I had to redo almost every connection. The original was great because it had all the symbols and formats laid out. I originally thought I could reuse about 50% of the original circuit connections.

Turns out I learned a lot having to re do the schematic and redo every line. If I had just copied someones else schematic, I would be woefully behind learning the G3X system and would probably forever be behind understand the airplane in IFR. Just like learning IFR nomenclature and routing instructions, I think doing the schematic is required to understand the system.