Well Known Member
Is it common for folks here in the experimental world to electrically bond their avionics to the airframe?

I have done a lot of avionics structural design in industry, every last avionic doohickey had to be carefully "Electrically Bonded" to the airframe.

For example, the G3000, on the instrument panel cutout in the front I had to leave about 1/8" of unpainted (electrically conductive) around the cutout. Also where the cams engage behind the panel I had to leave conductive areas. This meant that once installed the G3000 unit was electrically bonded to the airframe.

It has been quite a few years since doing this type of work, but I can't think of anything that did not get such treatment.
Not really

I dont plan to fly thru thunder storms, so i did not go to the extreme of bonding the avionics to the panel.

However, I think naturally they are all electrically bonded since I used a metal panel and added the nutplates before paint, just because it looked better.